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6、rolling speed (r/min)7、electric power (KW) 破碎机英文说明书 (F) Jaw Crusher Instruction Manual You should read thisinstruction manualcarefully before operating to
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破碎机英文说明书F. The crusher is mainly made of frame、moving jaw、eccentric shaft、tooth plate、toggle plate andadjustmentsetetc (see fig1、2、3、4). The motor through
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破碎机英文说明书(F).doc,PAGE PAGE 1 Jaw Crusher Instruction Manual You should read this instruction manual carefully before operating to make the crusher work properly.
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破碎机的入料溜槽与机壳采用螺栓联接,应尽量保证物料进入破碎机为 沿齿辊轴向均匀分布,为防止大块长期砸损破碎齿, 应尽量减小物料垂直 落差。. 破碎机在现场安装时, 应按